Each time you log in , you will arrive on your Home Dashboard. In this article we will clear up any confusion you may have about navigating your Home Dashboard.
Adding and Accessing Projects
Use the Add New Project button to begin the process of creating new projects to manage virtual patent marking for different clients of areas of your business.
NOTE: You need atleast 1 project added to your account to access most of the features of Markr.
Use the Viewing Project dropdown to select, view, make changes and manage your virtual marking projects.
Accessing Patents, Applications and Products Pages
Use the 3 buttons in the middle of the page to be taken directly to the associated dashboard to add, manage or view Products, Patents or Applications.
The table at the bottom of the page gives you an overview of the project that you have selected above. This shows you the number of Patents, Products and Applications that you have added to this project. The View button will take you the the associated dashboard.
The sidebar (visible on all pages) is a quick way to navigate Markr. Quickly access the Home dashboard, your Patent, Product and Application lists, the Marking Export page where you can customize the PDF to match your requirements and the User Management screen to control access to your account by members of your team.
Notifications and User Settings
The top right of the screen is where you can view and interact with your notifications to manage your virtual patent marking program by clicking on the bell icon.
The dropdown that is accessible by clicking on the black arrow gives you access to your Account Settings, Markr’s Terms of Use and Privacy Policy as well as the Log Out button.
Something still not making sense on the Home Dashboard? Reach out to us at support@terrifio.co.uk and we will be happy to answer your questions.